We believe that all international experiences start by the expectation of where we are going to live, so we offer a solution for those that are looking for a room. Our company was made to facilitate finding your ideal room and some other extra services that will help you in your first explorations in the capital of England. This is the goal of Meu Quarto em Londres: To make your stay unforgettable. Place your request and we will be here to help!
(351) 912968175
Choosing a good place to live makes all the difference in a big city like London and it is very important that you know a little of the areas-areas before you get a room. See the subway map, for example. You should understand the big areas of the city in two ways - by the cardinal points or numerical areas. For example Southwest, North, East, Southeast and zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, where zone 1 is the central zone and consecutively Moving away from the center (almost circular), the other zones. The further you go, the more expensive your transportation fare will be (and depending on the neighborhood, the cheaper your rent will be).
Most sights in London (The Big Ben, The London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, The British Museum) are located within Zone 1 as well as other well-known places such as Piccadilly Circus, Oxford Street, Kensington High Street. If you wish to find cheaper long-term accommodation, the best choices are Zone 2 or 3. In case you are travelling as a tourist, Zone 1 is certainly the best option.
If you move away a little from the center (about 10 minutes by subway), you will find Zone 2 where most of the houses available on our website can be found. They are good value for money. Rent prices become cheaper and cheaper and you still find wonderful places to live in, according to your personal needs and lifestyle. Options exist by the hundreds from luxurious apartments by the side of the Thames to older apartments with more affordable prices and rooms that will surely fit within your budget.
There are those who prefer living in Zone 3 (keep in mind there are 9 zones in total) because housing rates are even lower and the spaces larger. The distance from the center of town is roughly 30 minutes by subway (or train depending on the neighborhood). If you are in Zone 2, you are given commuting discounts when travelling to Zone 3 even if you have to pay a little extra to go to the center, Zone 1. Once again we wish to make it clear that it all depends on your lifestyle and how much money you can spare.
Living in Zone 4 in London can be an excellent choice. The rooms will be cheaper and more spacious, also is still well-located homes with over 120 stations serving the transport zone stretching from north to south of the Thames. Located at a reasonable distance from the center of London, living here will not mean much noise and excitement like Zone 1 and 2 but there are very beautiful, quiet and independent places. Zone 4 neighborhoods have grown considerably in recent years - especially for those who want to buy a property. Wembley is a great example, attracting more and more families and investors - for the creation of modern areas.